The 2025 NBOA Annual Meeting has reached capacity for in-person attendance, and registration now tops the previous in-person registration record set in 2019. Independent school business leaders and the business partners that support their work will be sure to experience incredible learning and connections in the buzz of the Big Apple, February 23-26 at the New York Marriott Marquis in Times Square.
If you’re unable to join us this year, we look forward to seeing you at the 2026 NBOA Annual Meeting, March 1-4, 2026, in Orlando. And for those who wish to view recordings of keynotes, deep dive and concurrent sessions March through June of this year, the On-Demand Meeting option remains open.

Highlights of both offerings include:
- Keynotes with ideas guru Kyle Scheele and technology expert Crystal Washington
- Deep Dives on leadership, AI guidelines and equity, legal matters, financial health, and talent acquisition
- Concurrent sessions viewable by tracks in accounting, finance, and tax; business operations; executive leadership; facilities; human resources; and risk management
- A Boarding School Pathway for schools with a boarding component
- The Business Solutions Showcase with more than 100 business partners that support school operations and finance, as well as the Solutions Theatre presentations, which feature products and services.
Anyone can participate in NBOA Gives Back, our annual charitable activity. This year’s efforts will support Good+Foundation, a national nonprofit that works to dismantle multi-generational poverty by pairing tangible goods and family cash grants with innovative services for under-resourced fathers, mothers and caregivers. In-person attendees will have an opportunity to assemble literacy kits for New York City students.
All attendees of the 2025 NBOA Annual Meeting will have access to on-demand recordings March through June. We look forward to the unparalleled learning that will take place later this month in person and throughout the remainder of the school year online!