Top 10 Net Assets Articles of 2016

Pop songs and poetry get their “best of” lists — so we thought Net Assets should have one too.

Jan 9, 2017


Independent school business officers took a keen interest in 2016 in everything from ACA and FLSA compliance to ransomware attacks and crisis communications. Here's a roundup of some of our top magazine articles from the year, now posted here on as well.

Logged-in NBOA members (see sign-in box in upper right corner of this website) can access all Net Assets feature articles and “Legal Matters” columns from 2016, as well as some from 2015. We’ll be filling out the archive as the year goes on, in addition to publishing new articles and up-to-the-minute news briefings.   

Complex Equations
Three big HR issues for 2016: accommodating transgender staff (and students), staffing on school-related overnights and travel, and employer joint liability in the context of independent contractors.

FAQs about ACA Compliance and Reporting
From coaching staff to long-term subs, answers to business officers’ most vexing questions about the Affordable Care Act.

The Business Officer’s Dilemma
How do you lead business strategy in an environment that’s all about “culture”?

Picture This
More schools are embracing financial dashboards to help them recognize trends and engage constituencies. The key is knowing which data and metric points to measure.

Allergy-Safe Meal Plans
A look at how independent schools are handling allergens in their dining operations to prevent food tragedies, abide by the law and serve food that is healthy and affordable.

Nowhere to Hide
Amid high-profile media coverage, independent schools get serious about crisis management and communications.

FAQs about the New Overtime Rules
Confusion persists over changes to the FLSA overtime exemptions.

Your Money or Your Data
Ransomware is one of the next big threats to school data, in part because schools are “woefully unprepared for the bad guys’ skills."

The Financial Sustainability Heat Map
A dashboard tells you where you have been. A “heat map” reveals your progress toward your destination.  

The Art and Science of Assessing Need
When it comes to financial aid, schools benefit by providing more transparency, requiring more documentation and just saying no as appropriate.

P.S. 2016 was the last year the magazine focused each issue on a single theme. In 2017, we will tackle each of our seven primary topics — leadership, human resources, financial management, risk management, technology, facilities and enrollment management—in every issue. Each new issue will feature a multifaceted cover story. January/February’s was "The Next Generation of Leadership."



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