Title: Business Manager
School: Charleston Day School, Charleston, South Carolina
Years in current position: 21
Years in an independent school business office: 27
Superpower: Flexibility — her job "requires her to wear many hats. That is probably the biggest understatement of the year. She really wears many thousands of hats. Whether someone wants to see financial statements presented differently, a facility needs to be reconfigured, an employee has a family emergency or someone has a complaint, Heidi makes herself available and delivers. As a small school business manager, she is responsible for school finance, facilities, student billing, human resources, benefits, payroll, operations, technology, financial aid, housekeeping, maintenance and food service."
Forward thinker: "Heidi is also a planner. Instead of waiting for a problem to occur Heidi anticipates what may need to be done to prevent the problem. She knows how to focus on what's best for the school in the long run."
Trusted colleague: "Heidi maintains confidentiality in a supportive way and in a manner that promotes confidence in those around her."
After school: Tends to two elderly parents who demand significant time. "It has not been easy for Heidi, though she never brings her personal issues to the office. She maintains a healthy sense of humor."
See a full list of the 2017 recipients and read more about the Will J. Hancock Unsung Hero Award. NetAssets.org will post additional profiles of Unsung Heroes over the summer and into the fall — check in to learn more about other recipients.