Asian American Students' Return to Classrooms

Mar 4, 2021, 6:35 PM

(From The Washington Post) As school buildings start to reopen, Asian and Asian American families are choosing to keep their children learning from home at disproportionately high rates. In New York City, Asian American children make up the smallest share of children back in classrooms — just under 12% — even though they represent 18% of all students. In Minneapolis, students appear to be losing ground as fast or even faster than other students of color. In fall 2019, about 7% of grades given to Asian students were F’s. That percentage more than quadrupled to 30% in the fall of 2020, according to the Sahan Journal.

An increase in racist incidents and attacks on members of the Asian community in public has, in part, persuaded some families not to send their children back to in-person schooling, administrators say. A report released in September by the Stop AAPI Hate Youth Campaign indicated that one-quarter of Asian American young adults had been the targets of racism over the previous year. Experts say it is essential for schools to work doubly hard to reach Asian families and to reassure them that their children will not be targeted.

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