Business Email Compromise at Independent Schools

Feb 14, 2023, 11:10 AM

(from Venable) Business email compromise (BEC) may not grab the headlines like ransomware, but it can be just as disruptive and damaging to a school's finances. Generally speaking, BEC is most often a scam that involves convincing an individual, group, or business to transfer money unwittingly into an account controlled by a fraudster, rather than to the account of a legitimate business partner. The FBI has estimated that BEC scams totaled over $43 billion globally between 2016 and 2021; one independent school lost millions in 2020. Steps to mitigate risk include: 

  • Employ cybersecurity best practices
  • Ensure that processes are in place to independently verify requested changes to billing/invoice accounts
  • Scrutinize unexpected or odd communications
  • Verify that wired/transmitted funds were received by the intended recipient
 More from Venable


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