Independent School Teachers Call for Virtual Reopening, Parents Turn to Pandemic Pods

Jul 27, 2020, 5:29 PM

(From The Washington Post) Hundreds of independent school teachers from across the country have circulated online and anonymously signed a statement calling on schools to reopen virtually. Independent school teachers and staff reported that they think their schools are reopening because administrators do not want to lose tuition-paying parents who might withdraw from the school, and they fear they will have no protections if they are not ready to return. Meanwhile, in communities where public school districts have announced plan to go all virtual, independent schools offering in-person learning for this fall are experiencing an uptick in interest from families. For many schools, the challenge remains how to deliver in-person learning options while figuring out which staff members will be willing to return to in-person classes. 

More from The Washington Post

(From The New York Times) In recent weeks, the practice of organizing “pandemic pods,” in which parents team up with other families in their neighborhoods or social circles to hire teachers for their children, has gained popularity across the country. These pods aim to offer families a schooling option that feels safe while allowing kids to have fun and build social skills, at a price. In the San Francisco Bay Area, for instance, more than 14,000 residents joined a Pandemic Pods Facebook group, with some applicants asking for $36 to $50 an hour. Given that pods can be pricey, complicated to organize and self-selecting, they are likely to be most popular among families of privilege, experts say, and may worsen educational inequality.

More from The New York Times


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