Making Better Maker Space Purchases

Jan 4, 2017, 7:09 PM

3D printers might end up on your maker space shopping list, but hammer out your school's vision and "five-step framework" before committing to any purchases big or small. New Jersey educator and library media specialist Laura Fleming recommends first giving your maker space a unique vision. Develop a mission statement that conveys what your maker space intends to achieve. Then, in envisioning the space and products itself, keep in mind the five letters of the word MAKER:

  1. Mobility: Does it liberate learners from the limitations of a physical space?
  2. Does it Allow for open-ended exploration?
  3. Does it reflect Knowledge of student needs, wants and interests?
  4. Does it support Empowerment and Engagement?
  5. Is it Relevant not only to your school community, but also to the wider world?

EdSurge (01/02/2017)