Lessons from an Active-Learning Classroom

Jul 6, 2017, 8:08 PM

(from EdSurge) As independent schools rethink the traditional classroom model of fixed rows of desks facing a podium or desk, they can learn from other institutions that have moved ahead in reconfiguring old classrooms. In sharing their "lessons learned from an active-learning classroom," educators at Dartmouth College explained how they can support up to 36 students in a classroom with six "team stations," each with a video hookup. "The absence of a fixed podium allows flexible focus and instant presentations from anywhere in the room." Their advice for others:
With BYOD, allow for transition time between classes.

  • Each station may not need its own video hook-up.
  • Make lighting s adjustable by zone, and use acoustics to project intended sounds while dampening others.
  • Don't forget whiteboards — and plenty of markers and clean erasers.
  • Actively train and support faculty.
Read the full article at EdSurge.

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