Managing Workplace Conflict

Oct 19, 2018, 12:08 PM

(from CUPA-HR) The saying goes that with more than one person in a room, there's bound to be conflict. How to minimize squabbling, miscommunication and mistakes? Kim Kirkland, executive director of human resources at Oregon State University, has some tips: 

  1. Empowerment/Coaching. Coaching can provide strategies to enable coworkers and colleagues to engage in difficult conversations and hash things out on their own. 
  2. Facilitated Conversation. Try this approach when there are power differences at play and in emotionally-charged situations.
  3. Alternative Dispute Resolution. This typically includes early neutral evaluation, negotiation, conciliation, mediation and arbitration. 
  4. Formal Investigation. In this case, HR must provide notification to the relevant parties and decisional authority, as appropriate. 
  5. Tough Love. This includes a performance improvement plan; demotion; administrative leave; filing a grievance; transfer/reassignment; or termination.

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