More School Districts Curb Phone Use

Aug 13, 2024, 8:53 AM

(from the New York Times) More than 70% of high school teachers say student phone distraction is a “major problem,” according to a survey this year by Pew Research. At least eight states this year have passed laws, issued orders or adapted rules to crack down on phone use in schools to limit distraction as well as cyber bullying. Florida, Indiana, Louisiana, South Carolina, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Virginia, Minnesota and Ohio have all taken action, while California and New York leaders have discussed it publicly. 

More from the New York Times

(from the Washington Post) Starting in September, students in Fairfax County, Virginia, will be given Yondr pouches, magnetic bags that will store phones while they are on school grounds. The goal, according to officials in Virginia’s largest school district, is to create a more engaged learning environment. Some schools have successfully used Yondr while others have found students game the system by putting an older phone in the pouch while keeping a new phone for use during the school day. 

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