New School "Challenge" To Assault Teachers, Origins Unclear

Oct 8, 2021, 12:48 PM

(from Insider, CBS Boston and Fox News) Schools and police throughout the U.S. are cautioning against an alleged October "slap a teacher" TikTok challenge. In the Boston area, a middle school student is facing potentially significant punishment for allegedly assaulting a teacher. Potential legal charges range from assault to indecent assault and battery, school officials said. An elementary school student in South Carolina also assaulted a teacher in the name of the challenge. TikTok has said the "challenge" originated on Facebook and circulated on platforms other than TikTok. While the "devious licks" challenge that circulated on TikTok was very real, it doesn't appear that the alleged "slap a teacher" challenge is circulating widely on TikTok and it's unclear where it originated. 

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