Regulatory Update: FEMA Aid Available for School COVID Expenses

Aug 25, 2020, 3:48 PM

(from FEMA) As you continue to invest in PPE, cleaning supplies, facilities adjustments and more to prepare for the fall, consider this financial relief. Certain private nonprofit organizations are eligible to apply for funding through FEMA’s Public Assistance program for reimbursement of emergency protective measures taken to respond to the COVID-19 emergency.

To be eligible for Public Assistance, a nonprofit applicant must show that it has:

  • A ruling letter from the Internal Revenue Service granting tax exemption under sections 501(c), (d), or (e) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954; or
  • Documentation from the state substantiating that the non-revenue producing organization or entity is a nonprofit entity organized or doing business under state law.

Eligible organizations must also own or operate an eligible facility, meaning one that provides an eligible service, which includes education, utilities, emergency, medical, custodial care, and other essential social services.

Some examples of costs that may be covered: facilities cleaning, disinfection and adjustments; medical supplies; PPE purchases and cleaning; and training costs.

For more information, see the FEMA website and fact sheet

Related: The Reputational Minefield of COVID Relief — Round 2

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