The answer to some trustee questions should always be “Yes” — including, “Does the school have long-term financial projections?”
4 min read
Environmental Sustainability
Seven independent schools and an arts education center came together to create a hydroelectric power consortium. Annual savings per school are in the tens of thousands.
7 min read
School leaders are finding constructive ways to pursue capital projects despite higher materials costs, supply chain disruptions and rising interest rates.
7 min read
Tips on explaining to the board how the Statement of Activities relates to the operating statement, and on improving the audit note about the flow of Temporary Restricted Net Assets.
5 min read
A deep dive into independent school endowments trends FY2005-FY2022, including analysis of asset allocation, performance, spending and contributions, plus a perspective on future developments.
13 min read
When everything costs more, considered and strategic facilities spending is a must.
12 min read
Environmental Sustainability
The IRA opens the door for nonprofits to take advantage of tax credits associated with solar power.
8 min read
Mapping your school’s trial balance to the audit’s financial statements helps both you and the audit process.
3 min read
Two new research reports on critical aspects of independent school business can help your school understand its financial position and strengthen it.
4 min read
Tips on sharing how the school’s portfolio has changed since the last board meeting.
3 min read
This year’s Communfund Benchmarks Study reveals the largest year-over-year reversal in average annual independent school endowment returns since the study began.
3 min read
Cash Management
While it’s prudent to have some liquid resources on hand, your school can be earning money at the same time through a variety of strategies.
7 min read
These two schedules go hand in hand – each supports the other.
4 min read
Boards and Trustees
The financial sustainability heat map has helped schools in areas from board communication to strategic planning. Here are four school’s stories.
16 min read
A balanced budget is nice, but it is not enough.
4 min read
You can sharpen finance committee discussion using sensitivity analysis and improve your presentation to the board of trustees with a waterfall chart.
5 min read
Resist letting fears of escalating inflation hijack your tuition-setting and budget-setting conversations this school year.
6 min read
Distributing a budget request form in the fall will build good will across the school and give you a comprehensive view of school needs and wants.
4 min read
While the calculation requires collaboration, the results can help schools achieve their goals more efficiently.
5 min read
To react quickly and appropriately to new market conditions, independent schools should understand inflation trends and prepare for potential outcomes.
5 min read