External pressures have replaced operational pressures as top-of-mind risks among school leaders, while sexual misconduct issues continue to reverberate at a national level.
7 min read
Risk Management
The longer a fraudster has been at a school, the larger the losses and the less likely he or she will be suspected. Knowing what motivates fraudsters can supplement internal controls in mitigating risk.
7 min read
Risk & Compliance
Human Resources
While federal law has done little to shrink the gender pay gap, more states have passed laws on comparable pay, which may impact school hiring practices.
5 min read
Human Resources
Risk Management
No one on campus wants to consider what happens after the death of a colleague or their own passing, but preparing for the worst will help everyone in a time of grief.
8 min read
Human Resources
Risk Management
When a school undertakes a misconduct investigation, deciding who to call as a witness is not always clear. Three independent school lawyers weigh in.
4 min read
Human Resources
Risk Management
Should your school face the dreaded day of a serious misconduct allegation, you will need to know what situations require an investigation, who can conduct one and what the outcomes might be.
17 min read
Risk Management
Managing the infinite scenarios of transportation risk — from owning or outsourcing vehicles to corralling volunteer drivers — requires time, expertise and financial resources to keep everyone safe.
14 min read
Given the emergence of new risks and the evolving school operating environment, now could be the time to revisit your organizational structure and carve out the resources to add a new position.
6 min read
Risk Management
Rising toll of student stress, anxiety and depression adds to urgency of schools’ risk-mitigation practices.
15 min read
It’s a job, not a vacation. Back to basics on supervision and school trips.
4 min read
Risk Management
A school’s online safety requires vigilance from every department.
3 min read
Crisis Management
How well a school handles a crisis may depend on six factors, including board relations, dedicated committees and defined roles.
3 min read
Risk Management
Ensuring business continuity in the era of climate change requires thinking ahead to potential worst-case weather scenarios, and budgeting accordingly.
16 min read
Crisis Management
Safety and Security
Teachers and students should be at the center of school security training, and empowered (not intimidated) for the most effective results.
3 min read
When a sexual harassment claim hits a school, pressure to react fast can be intense. To protect all stakeholders, schools should investigate and take action well before a crisis arrives.
4 min read
Safety & Security
Extended Day
Key Auxiliary
Risk Management
The unique challenges associated with after-school, evening and weekend activities merit additional considerations.
5 min read
Experts attribute trend to greater prevalence of sesame seeds and oils in the modern diet.
2 min read
CEO Notebook
Human Resources
Risk Management
From relying on resumes to ineffective interviews, these common mistakes can be avoided.
4 min read
Risk & Compliance
Risk Management
Knowing the top risks other independent schools face can help your school avoid getting stuck in the early phases of a risk management program.
4 min read
Risk Management
Schools should look for more than sexual misconduct when identifying educator behaviors that can hurt students. The “rescue mentality” is a real risk.
7 min read