Volunteer Opportunities for NBOA Members

Thank you to all members of the Volunteer Councils and Committees currently serving the association!

Recommendations to the NBOA Board of Directors are open through November 15. Submissions for all other volunteer opportunities are closed. If you have any questions, please contact membership@nboa.org or call 202-407-7140.

Benefits of Volunteering

NBOA relies upon member volunteers to assist the organization in fostering an engaged, informed and diverse membership. Therefore, we seek to identify, recruit, support and recognize member volunteers who wish to provide valuable contributions to the organization, and in turn, to the business and financial management of the independent school community. By volunteering for NBOA, you have the opportunity to gain as much as you will give to your association and your peers.

Volunteer Process

The call for volunteers conducted each Winter through Spring selects volunteers for the three constituent councils (Business Officers, Controllers and Human Resources) as well as the Program Selection Committee, NBOA Connect Ambassadors, and the Net Assets Editorial Advisory Committee. The BOI Faculty volunteer call is held separately each Fall. For additional information on the process of volunteering with NBOA, visit our Frequently Asked Questions.

Volunteer Opportunities

The following opportunities are available to support and facilitate connections among members who share common issues, challenges and opportunities. Members should consider the characteristics described below to identify where you may best contribute to the development of NBOA events, technology, communications and data platforms.

The seven volunteer opportunities fall into two categories: Constituent Councils and Advisory Committees.

  • Constituent Councils serve the three primary school roles of NBOA members: business officers, controllers, and human resources professionals. Each council identifies unique constituent needs, develops and supports programming, and strengthens the cohort within the greater NBOA community.
  • Advisory Committees provide support, and add member insight and perspective, to specific NBOA programs, including annual meeting, business officer institute, Net Assets magazine, and the NBOA Connect online community.
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NBOA Board of Directors

Description: The NBOA Board of Directors serves as the association’s governing body and provides oversight of the strategic and fiduciary needs of the association.

Volunteer Characteristics: The NBOA Board is comprised of business officers, other school leadership representatives, and members from the business partner community. Board members possess previous nonprofit governance experience, significant financial and operational expertise, practice strategic thinking and are forward-looking members of the NBOA community. Successful organizational leaders, they have a passion for independent schools, a strong commitment to the NBOA mission and a track record of participation in NBOA programs and services. The Board has four standing committees – Executive, Finance and Audit, Governance and Nominating – in addition to specific task forces that are established on a case-by-case basis to address specific purposes.

Time Commitment: The full Board meets three times a year (fall, winter and spring), and committees are convened throughout the year via telephone, video conferencing and in-person meetings. The commitment requires the support of the nominee's organization to allow for in-person attendance at all board meetings and the financial support to attend the NBOA Annual Meeting.

Term: Individuals serve an initial term of three years and may be re-elected for a second three-year term. Board members must rotate off the board after serving six consecutive years unless they are elected as Chair-Elect. Newly elected board members begin their terms on July 1 of the year they are elected.


  • Attend three two-day face-to-face board meetings annually, in the fall (generally held in September, in Washington, DC), winter (in conjunction with the NBOA Annual Meeting, and generally one day prior to the start of the meeting), and spring (at various locations throughout the country)
  • Serve on at least one committee and contribute between meetings via video/telephone conference calls throughout the year
  • Participate in member recruitment and retention activities as requested
  • Serve as an NBOA ambassador to key stakeholders (e.g., Annual Meeting exhibitors) as requested
  • Responsible for travel expenses related to winter Board Meeting, held in conjunction with the NBOA Annual Meeting. NBOA provides reimbursement for reasonable travel expenses associated with the fall and spring Board Meetings

Officer Positions: Chair, Chair-Elect (or Immediate Past Chair), Secretary and Treasurer

Constituent Councils

Business Officers Council

Description: An advisory and outreach council to support members in the chief financial role at their school.

Volunteer Characteristics: Experienced business officer members who serve on their school’s senior leadership team, and who are equipped with expertise regarding business operations, finance, risk management, facilities, human resources and governance.

Time Commitment: 1-3 hours per month consisting of a monthly council meeting and participation in constituent chats via Zoom as well as potential council initiatives such as panel discussions, interviews and resource shares.

Term: Council members serve a two-year term, starting July 1 and ending June 30.


  • Under the leadership of the council chair, and with support from the staff liaison, develop and deliver specific resources and program proposals that meet the diverse needs of business officers at small, mid-size and large day schools, as well as boarding schools.
  • Serve as the advisory council to NBOA Staff to identify current and emerging needs, and to inform the development of programs, products and services most relevant to the chief financial position in member schools.
  • Provide a scan of NBOA’s primary members and assess how a diverse group of business officers are being supported and served by the association.
  • Serve as the programming advisory group for NACOBO.
  • Provide input and support to staff liaison on an as-needed basis.

Controllers Council

Description: An advisory and outreach council formed to support members in the Controller role at their school.

Volunteer Characteristics: Members with expertise regarding financial management and reporting, general accounting and tax issues, regulatory compliance, revenues and expenses, enrollment management, financial aid, collections, audit and 990 preparation, and investment policies and procedures.

Time Commitment: 1-3 hours per month consisting of a monthly council meeting and participation in constituent chats via Zoom as well as potential council initiatives such as panel discussions, interviews and resource shares.

Term: Council members serve a two-year term, starting July 1 and ending June 30.


  • Under the leadership of the council chair, and with support from the staff liaison, develop and deliver specific resources and program proposals that meet the diverse needs of controllers and accounting professionals at small, mid-size and large day schools, as well as boarding schools.
  • Advise and give input to NBOA's Director, Accounting and Tax Programs on the development of future programming and resources.
  • Plan, attend, and/or co-facilitate quarterly Controllers community Zoom calls.
  • Provide input and support to staff liaison on an as-needed basis.

Human Resources Council

Description: An advisory and outreach council formed to support members in the Human Resources role at their school.

Volunteer Characteristics: Members with expertise regarding regarding HR compliance, employee handbooks, recruitment and onboarding, compensation and classifications, leave and accommodations, and performance management.

Time Commitment: 1-3 hours per month consisting of a monthly council meeting and participation in constituent chats via Zoom as well as potential council initiatives such as panel discussions, interviews and resource shares.

Term: Council members serve a two-year term, starting July 1 and ending June 30.


  • Under the leadership of the council chair, and with support from the staff liaison, develop and deliver specific resources and program proposals that meet the diverse needs of human resources professionals at small, mid-size and large day schools, as well as boarding schools.
  • Advise and give input to NBOA's Director, Human Resources Programs on the development of future programming and resources.
  • Plan, attend, and/or co-facilitate quarterly Human Resources community Zoom calls.
  • Provide input and support to staff liaison on an as-needed basis.

Advisory Committees

Awards Selection Committee

Description: The NBOA Awards Selection Committee identifies and encourages individual excellence in managing independent school business and financial affairs, identifies role models for the business officer profession, and contributes toward a positive perception of the profession by selecting recipients for the NBOA Awards programs.

Volunteer Characteristics: Three at-large members are appointed and must have been a prior recipient of an NBOA award. The NBOA Board Chair and the NBOA President & CEO serve as voting members of the committee in addition to the at-large appointments.

Time Commitment: The Awards Selection Committee meets virtually, once in the summer for a kick-off and orientation meeting, and three additional times throughout the year: in late September/early October, January, and late March/early April, to review nominations and make selections for each award category. Committee members also spend 2-4 hours prior to each meeting to review nominations.

Term: The three appointed members serve a two-year term. The Board Chair and NBOA President & CEO hold their positions for the duration of their tenure in those roles.


  • Attend the Awards Committee kick-off and orientation call to review the awards schedule and processes.
  • Encourage your peer network to submit nominations for the NBOA awards.
  • Review all award nominations prior to each selection call through the NBOA-designated review portal.
  • Attend all meetings in late September/early October, January, and late March/early April, as mutually agreed upon, and come prepared to give feedback on relevant nominations.

Business Officer Institute (BOI) Faculty

Description: Program facilitators for NBOA's Business Officer Institute, a 4-day immersive program into the independent school world geared toward business officers who are new or relatively new to their role that occurs each summer.

Volunteer Characteristics: Seasoned and engaged business officers or business office staff.

Time Commitment: 10 hours before the program and 4 days during the summer to attend the Institute. (*Please note: NBOA will cover reasonable travel expenses, onsite housing and meals for faculty, if selected.)

Term: After being selected in the fall, faculty members are slated to serve as faculty for the next summer’s Business Officer Institute (June).


  • Advise NBOA learning team and fellow faculty members on topics, speakers and industry trends that should be featured at BOI.
  • Attend up to 2-3 planning meetings via Zoom before the program (*one optional in-person meeting will also occur at the NBOA Annual Meeting).
  • In collaboration with fellow faculty and/or NBOA staff, develop and deliver program sessions at the Institute on topics from a predefined list.
  • Serve as a mentor throughout the week for a Personal Learning Network (PLN), a group of 10-12 participants who all have a common characteristic, such as school type or size. Faculty will offer guidance and support to the group they're assigned to during the Institute, as well ongoing support via email/phone after the Institute has concluded, as needed.

NBOA Connect Ambassadors

Description: A group of volunteers who serve to help increase peer member engagement in the NBOA Connect online communities by responding to posts.

Volunteer Characteristics: Members from all areas of independent schools who are active on the NBOA Connect online communities and enjoy helping fellow members and giving advice.

Time Commitment: 1-2 hours per month through subscription to the Connect Ambassadors community and responding to posts as requested.

Term: Committee members serve a two-year term, starting July 1 and ending June 30.


  • Actively engage in the NBOA Connect online communities by providing answers and advice to fellow members' inquiries.
  • Respond to questions posted on the NBOA Connect online communities identified by NBOA staff in the private Ambassadors community.

Net Assets Editorial Advisory Committee

Description: An advisory and outreach committee formed to support NBOA's Net Assets, a family of publications (magazine, newsletter and website) focused exclusively on business and operational issues facing K-12 independent schools.

Volunteer Characteristics: Members from all backgrounds of independent school business operations, including: leadership/administration; business, finance and accounting; enrollment and admissions; human resources; information technology; and facilities.

Time Commitment: Bimonthly Zoom meetings.

Term: Committee members serve a two-year term, starting July 1 and ending June 30.


  • Attend up to 3 committee meetings via Zoom per year (Calendar invites will be sent by the staff liaison and video capabilities are recommended).
  • Exchange ideas about pressing topics in independent school business and operations suitable for coverage in NBOA's award-winning publications; offer feedback on topics, story angles and sources to support best-in-class content.
  • Review 1-3 feature articles per year, in areas related to committee member's work, and/or contribute content to the print magazine or Net Assets online.
  • Serve as ambassadors for the publications.

Program Selection Committee

Description: A committee that facilitates with the review and selection of the sessions and programs that will populate the NBOA Annual Meeting, annual NBOA Webinar Series, and other NBOA content channels such as Net Assets magazine.

Volunteer Characteristics: Members who like to read and give their opinions and who have preferably attended one Annual Meeting in the past.

Time Commitment: 10 hours to review sessions, plus 3 days of attending the Annual Meeting (event attendance optional).

Term: The committee is typically convened in May/June, shortly after which the review process begins and continues over the course of a month. Service also includes light responsibilities during the next year’s Annual Meeting for those who attend.


  • Advise NBOA learning team on topics, speakers and industry trends that should be featured at the NBOA Annual Meeting as well as through other NBOA delivery channels, such as the annual webinar series.
  • Attend a one-hour introductory call and overview of the program submission platform.
  • Review session proposals in early June and provide feedback to NBOA on the session's overall relevance and appeal, strength of learning objectives, uniqueness of the topic and embodiment of the annual meeting theme.
  • Attend the annual meeting and encourage other members & colleagues to do the same.
  • Assist with introducing speakers during sessions at the annual meeting.