NBOA members can take advantage of the purchasing consortium, PurchasingPoint, an exclusive discount program for nonprofits that leverages group buying power for double-digit savings. The program is designed to help nonprofits reduce overhead costs through pre-negotiated discounts with over 100 vendors offering products and services, including office supplies, shipping, copiers/scanners, postage equipment, furniture, cleaning supplies, promotional materials, and more.
Access to PurchasingPoint is complimentary to all nonprofit U.S. member schools. Anyone with purchasing responsibilities – from the IT director to the CFO – can create a profile and search for discounts in the PurchasingPoint portal.
Most importantly, the savings you gain through utilizing the PurchasingPoint can be redirected back to your mission-related programs. We know that it’s easier to save money than it is to generate it, and PurchasingPoint® is an easy way to help your school manage its bottom line. To learn more, contact Ruth Sigei – Managing Director PurchasingPoint at rsigei@nassembly.org or talktous@purchasingpoint.org.