Independent schools must innovate, organize and embrace a more holistic — and rigorous — approach to enrollment management, says this leader in the profession.
9 min read
Diversity and Inclusion
Financial Aid
A small college’s strategic pivot illuminates a brighter path forward for struggling K-12 schools.
3 min read
Engaging the broader school community — notably faculty and parents — to strengthen enrollment.
7 min read
How to remain firm when (some) parents think they get to call the shots.
9 min read
How to ensure the best-fitting students make it through your admissions funnel.
10 min read
CEO Notebook
Financial Aid
Where are independent schools with regard to access and affordability? At the SSS Financial Aid Conference in Philadelphia last week, a panel of four other independent school leaders joined me in discussing this dif
2 min read
Financial Aid
Financial aid season is around the corner. The case for providing more transparency, requiring more documentation and finding the backbone to just say no as appropriate.
12 min read
Independent school leaders often ask me for advice regarding what they should be thinking about to help ensure a financially healthy future. It's a tough and important question, with an answer that's difficult to distill
3 min read
CEO Notebook
Financial Aid
Recently, an NBOA staff member heard about an independent school that noted many visitors to its website, particularly the tuition page, clicked away and never returned. The school took steps to raise the profile of its
3 min read
CEO Notebook
I have often written and talked about the unique role that NBOA plays in the independent school community — how we fulfill our mission to provide you with best practices, staff support and technology to advance bus
1 min read
Not many people closely link the work of the business officer and marketing, but I do. Whether your school employs a dedicated marketing professional or embeds the marketing function within the advancement or admissions
3 min read
Independent school business officers tend to be hard on themselves when it comes to determining optimal pricing models for their schools. You often ask, with a critical tone in your voice, "Why haven't we figured out the
2 min read
Every city has a story, but few illustrate important leadership lessons like the story of Chattanooga, Tennessee. That's right, the city that many of us know for a catchy tune about a choo choo is so much more—and
2 min read
Why independent school leaders should take a “design pause” before sending that email, calling that meeting or excluding the possibility of collaborating with anyone, anywhere.
10 min read
Human Resources
Ian Symmonds wants independent schools to showcase their contributions to the world.
5 min read
An interview with education attorney Judith Islas.
6 min read
Last week I was honored to be featured in an online Q&A about school leadership with Rob DiMartino of Finalsite , which provides web solutions to schools. This week I have invited Rob to respond to some of the mos
5 min read
A challenging enrollment environment underscores the call for stepped-up market research and more rigorous collaboration between schools’ business and admissions functions.
8 min read
CEO Notebook
"What keeps you up at night?" I get that question fairly often, including very recently from a head of school who I consider a thought leader within the profession. You might identify with my response of late. It covers
3 min read
The next time a prospective parent checks out your school, there's a good chance they'll do it from their phone or tablet computer. Whether they're waiting in line at the grocery store or sitting at a café, and wh
2 min read