NBOA's Essentials of the Business Office is a three-week online course designed for both business officers new to independent schools and current members of the business office staff looking to grow in their roles. Participants share experiences of the ever-changing role of the business officer, from the day-to-day responsibilities to the strategic leadership role.
You will gain a comprehensive understanding of independent school business operations through interacting with the class facilitator and sharing information about your school with online colleagues on an asynchronous learning platform. Discover resources for ongoing operational support and establish a national learning community of peers with whom you can continue to explore the issues of business administration and leadership within independent schools throughout your career.
Each week, a different area of business operations will be covered asynchronously, so that while participants should plan to work three to five hours each week on the class, the timing of that work can be flexible. This class uses a variety of resources including articles, videos, recorded webinars and discussion boards. Topics covered include accounting and tax issues, financial planning and budgeting, tuition management strategies, accounting and audits, human resources, facilities operations and risk management.
This course is offered in partnership with One Schoolhouse.
Survey the business officer's areas of responsibility (either direct or indirect) from an enterprise perspective. Understand how your school's mission is implemented and how it translates financially, which are fundamental keys to institutional success. Explore the characteristics and behaviors that lead to greater mission alignment and financial sustainability.
An independent school's biggest assets are its faculty members and the buildings they occupy. These also represent the major proportion of expenses. Creating a culture where employees feel valued and honored for the work they do, and providing and maintaining an inviting space in which students can learn is the business officer's responsibility. Learn how those costs relate to overall school finances.
The partnerships between the business, admissions and development offices are core to the school fulfilling its mission. Understand how these departments interface with your families and your office to promote the school's overall financial health.
NBOA is recognized by SHRM to offer SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP professional development credits (PDCs). For more information about certification or recertification, please visit www.shrmcertification.org.
NBOA is a recognized provider of recertification credits. HR Certification Institute® pre-approved this program for credits towards aPHR™, PHR®, PHRca®, SPHR®, GPHR®, PHRi™ and SPHRi™ recertification.
Up to 40 participants
I valued the broad yet applicable course content presented in Essentials. It was easy to follow, and the facilitators brought their collective wealth of experiences to the program.
Ann Renken
Director of Business & Finance, Fort Bend Christian Academy