David Braemer assumed the role of head of school at Kent Denver School in 2022, following a ten-year tenure as head of school at Ensworth School in Nashville, Tennessee. Prior to that, he served as upper school head at Greenhill School in Dallas and was dean of Students at Durham Academy in North Carolina. A teacher at heart, Braemer taught history and social studies at Greenhill, Culver Academies in Indiana, Blair Academy in New Jersey and at public schools in Boston and Lawrence, Massachusetts. Braemer holds a bachelor’s degree from Amherst College, where he was a varsity football and lacrosse player, and a master’s degree in education from Boston College. He also participated in the Klingenstein Institute for Independent School Leadership at Columbia University’s Teachers College, as well as cross-cultural learning through the Fulbright Memorial Scholar program in Japan.
Understand the independent school business model, learn to be a good steward of your school's financial resources and work more collaboratively around financial issues.
Discover the most common benefits programs and structures as well as emerging ones, best practices to stay in compliance, and cultural considerations for implementation.
Learn to engage with employees in an empathetic manner while still clearly conveying important information and safeguarding your school from liability.
Explore the many responsibilities of business office professionals — from day-to-day finance, operation and risk management to strategic leadership — and how to manage key relationships with the greater school community.
Calculate your school's Composite Financial Index (CFI) score — a tool trusted in higher education for decades — and learn how you can use the score and its 4 underlying ratios to think strategically about your school's financial strengths and weaknesses.
Learn about best practices related to payroll including employee classification and overtime pay, deductions and taxability and the complexity of calculating a faculty member’s final paycheck when they leave mid-year.
Learn best practices related to gift reporting, compliance and donor stewardship, as well as how to develop a successful and strategic partnership between the financial and development functions at your school.
Learn tactical best practices related to the financial aid process to enhance the strategic partnership between the business and admissions offices and ensure long-term success.
Drawing on case studies, national trends and proven best practices, this session will address five key high-level factors to consider before investing in auxiliary programs.
A panel of school leaders will provide a behind-the-scenes look into the world of capital facilities and planning consultants, who serve independent schools in matters of planning, developing, funding and delivering capital projects.
Learn the most common financial reporting mistakes and control deficiencies for independent schools. Gain insights into identifying, preventing and correcting these errors to enhance your school's financial health and operational efficiency.
In a rapidly evolving work environment, independent schools face unique challenges in hiring, onboarding, and retaining top talent. Explore actionable strategies for leaders centering a culture of belonging throughout a workforce development lifecycle.
This webinar provides an overview of the PurchasingPoint program, tour of the PurchasingPoint portal and examples of vendor discounts and sign-up processes. Webinar recorded on November 7, 2024
A tool for independent school professionals to assess the inclusivity of operational policies and processes. Thirteen simple checklists allow school leaders to understand where the school is thriving and where they might improve.