This provides a brief overview of the guidelines that were developed by the experts on bleacher and grandstand safety. This sample is provided by a business affiliate to assist member schools looking
This article addresses the safety concerns associated with the use of 15-passenger vans and how schools can minimize their risk when operating these vehicles.
The purpose of this risk management guidebook is to provide schools with information dealing with targeted areas of loss potential for all School operations that can be incorporated into their ongoing
This publication discusses some of the common risks that can generate employments practices liability against the school and provides some risk control techniques that can be implemented in order to
This document provides sound guidance and basic safety standards for pool and swimming-related activities.
This sample is provided by a business affiliate to assist member schools looking for
This handbook is intended for use by childcare personnel, school officials, parks and recreation personnel, equipment purchasers and installers, playground designers, and any other members of the
This document, which addresses ten of the most commonly asked questions from teachers and administrators about science laboratory safety issues, responsibilities, and liability.
This guide was designed to provide teachers, and ultimately their students, with information so that they can take the appropriate precautionary actions in order to prevent or minimize hazards,
Put together by The Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools along with the U.S. Department of Educations, this guide is intended to give schools, districts, and communities the critical concepts and