This PowerPoint and Excel sheet were created by long-time business officer Jim Pugh as an example of how you might monitor and then present the concept of financial equilibrium to the Board.
Here is an RFP template that consolidates some of the most frequent and insightful questions asked during the process. The template was provided by Patrick Decker CFP, Managing Director, Client Development. His email is
Experienced education counsel and a longtime business officer will detail strategies for reducing the institutional risk associated with employee discipline and separations.
This Excel file provides two ways to present the operating budget to the board as it prepares the budget: a sensitivity analysis, ideal for the finance committee, and a waterfall chart, which is ideal for the full board. This was created by Jim Pugh.
This form was created by longtime business officer Jim Pugh. In October or early November, business officers should distribute the form to anyone in the school who submits a budget. See the accompanying Net Assets article for more information.